Margaret Brunner-Surati

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SOS Kinderdorf

Projects, Margaret Brunner-Surati is supporting:

SOS Kinderdorf in Banda Aceh (Sumatra)

The SOS-Kinderdorf in Banda Aceh is one of the most important organization, which is active in the province of Banda Aceh. The organization is having a very good reputation in the government.

Location: Banda Aceh, capital of the Province Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), Sumatra, Indonesia.

The Project

SOS Children’s home consisting of:

  • 15 homes for 15 SOS Children’s home families with each 10 children
  • 1 aunt’s house, 1 house for the village manager, 1 Kindergarten,
  • 1 Community house, 1 Garage, 1 Administration building,
  • 1 Mosque and 2 flats for employees


  • SOS Children’s Home: 150 children in 15 SOS families
  • SOS Kindergarten: 100 children (also open to children from the Neighbourhood)
  • SOS Social Center/Family Support programme: 200 poor families in the Neighbourhood.


  • 15 SOS children’s home mothers
  • 5 SOS children’s home aunts
  • 1 village manage
  • SOS Kindergarten aunts, instructors, consultants, bookkeeper, assistants

Cost Account approx. USD 1’500’000.00

Margaret Brunner-Surati’s contribution : Charity projects for the SOS Kinderdorf in Banda Aceh and Lembang, donation of 5% of her profit out of her cooking school, catering service and traveling with groups. She is also working very closely with the Managing Director Christine Leimgruber from the SOS Kinderdorf in Liebefeld (CH).

SOS Kinderdorf Lembang (Java)

The first SOS-Kinderdorf of the country was built in Lembang, about 15 km away from Bandung.

In September 1992 the first children moved in to the SOS-Kinderdorf. The SOS-Kinderdorf has 13 family houses, 1 community house, 1 village manager house, 1 aunt’s house, 1 library and 1 SOS Kindergarten, where also children from the suburbs are attending classes. Children from different religion are living in this SOS-Kinderdorf. 1994 a house for retired SOS-aunts was built. There is also a medical center where also people outside the Kinderdorf are being treated. A SOS-Hermann-Gmeiner-basic school is attached to the Kinderdorf, which is being acknowledged from the government, 1998 a dental center and a social center were built.

In Bandung a SOS-youth house was built were young people from the SOS-Kinderdorf can finish their education.. In the SOS-Kinderdorf training center the young people can learn about carpenting, computer and metal worker.

Margaret Brunner-Surati is trying once or twice a year to visit the SOS Kinderdorf in Lembang. She is also visiting the SOS-Kinderdorf with her travel group. She is having an 8-year-old godchild, Mara. They are exchanging often letters. Every time she is visiting the SOS-Kinderdorf, Margaret Brunner-Surati is bringing cloths, toys, medicine, books etc for the children.

She has been working closely with the director Gregor H. Nithardjo together. And she is hoping that the Swiss people will show great interest in this project.

Margaret Brunner-Surati is kindly asking you for support and donation. If you want to have more information, please contact her. On this web page you find the relevant information to contact her.

copyright @ 2016 brunner-surati